.Net Core
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How to get values from the querystring in ASP.NET Core?
How to get values from the query string in ASP.NET Core? I want to get a param URL from a middleware.
Asp.Net Core interview | 20 frequently questions and answers
In this article, we collect the top20 frequentlyAsp.Net Core interview questions and answers for you to refer and prepare for your interview is better.As you know today Asp.net core is the latest version of .net frameworkand it's also apopular programming language in the world. Many companies looking for the developer with this skill. I hope this article is helpful to you and makes you get more confident in your interview or presentation.
Easy way to resolve dependency injection in ASP.Net Core
Dependency injection is an important technique in application programming in general and in asp.net core in particular. Dependency injection helps reduce the dependence of classes on each other while initializing them. Initializing instances of classes maybe only once for each request or when initiating the application, it helps make the short code and more maintainable.
How to get client ip address in asp.net core using c#?
How to get the client IP address in asp.net core using c#? What is the best way to do it? Thanks for any suggestions.
Read configuration value from appsettings.json in ASP.Net Core
In the Asp.Net web app or API to read config keys is very necessary. In this article, I will introduce to you the best way to read configuration value from appsettings.json in ASP.Net Core. I hope it will help you easily to learn Asp.net core.
How to get current url in view cshtml in asp.net core
How to get current url in view cshtml in asp.net core
The specified task executable "dotnet" could not be run.
ERROR The specified task executable "dotnet" could not be run. Cannot allocate memory.
The type initializer for 'gdip' threw an exception on linux ubuntu
Error: The type initializer for 'gdip' threw an exception on linux when upload image.