[PostgreSQL] ERROR: for SELECT DISTINCT, ORDER BY expressions must appear in select list

Dung Do Tien Nov 07 2020 708

I have a DB in PostgreSQL. Now I want to get all the info data from Tag table and want to know the content of that tag. I write command select as below:

SELECT DISTINCT t.id, t.keyword as title, t.status,
 WHEN a.type = 1 THEN 'News' 
 WHEN a.type = 2 THEN 'Compare'
 WHEN a.type = 3 THEN 'Tips'
 WHEN a.type = 4 THEN 'New Car'
 WHEN a.type = 5 THEN 'Gallery'
 WHEN a.type = 6 THEN 'Stories'
 ELSE 'Other'
) AS content_type
FROM tags t
LEFT JOIN articletagmapping atm1 ON atm1.tagid = t.id
LEFT JOIN articles a ON a.id = atm1.articleid
ORDER BY t.id DESC, t.isnoindex DESC

But I got an error ERROR: for SELECT DISTINCT, ORDER BY expressions must appear in select list

ERROR:  for SELECT DISTINCT, ORDER BY expressions must appear in select list
LINE 1: ... a on a.id = atm1.articleid Order by status desc, countartic...
(execution time: 63 ms; total time: 485 ms)

Please explain to me if you know any reason.

Have 2 answer(s) found.
  • S

    Sandeep Kumar Nov 07 2020

    In PostgreSQL when you want distinct result from SELECT query, column appear in ORDER BY have to appear in DISTINCT command.

    You can change your query as below:

    SELECT DISTINCT t.id, t.keyword as title, t.status, t.isnoindex,
     WHEN a.type = 1 THEN 'News' 
     WHEN a.type = 2 THEN 'Compare'
     WHEN a.type = 3 THEN 'Tips'
     WHEN a.type = 4 THEN 'New Car'
     WHEN a.type = 5 THEN 'Gallery'
     WHEN a.type = 6 THEN 'Stories'
     ELSE 'Other'
    ) AS content_type
    FROM tags t
    LEFT JOIN articletagmapping atm1 ON atm1.tagid = t.id
    LEFT JOIN articles a ON a.id = atm1.articleid
    ORDER BY t.id DESC, t.isnoindex DESC 

    I hope this answer is helpful for you.

  • M

    Marry Christ Nov 07 2020

    I think the root cause of the error is that your are ordering using ORDER BY t.id DESC, t.isnoindex DESC, column t.isnoindex does not appear in the SELECT clause. 
    You can remove t.isnoindex column from ORDER BY or add more this column to the SELECT query.

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