Error querySrv ENODATA _mongodb._tcp.456d in MongoDB Compass

Dung Do Tien Feb 09 2022 107

Hello Guys, I create a MongoDb Atlas and I use MongoDB Compass to help connect.

Below is MongoDB Atlas connection string:


And my username and password is dungdt2/123@456d. And when I try connect by using MongoDB compass i got an error querySrv ENODATA _mongodb._tcp.456d. You can see image as below:

Error querySrv ENODATA _mongodb._tcp.456d in MongoDB Compass

I think I have problem with password and it containt @(a special character). 

How can I solve it?

Have 1 answer(s) found.
  • N

    Nitin Kumar Feb 09 2022

    This is the real problem with your password and you need to decode it. I think you only need to decode special characters (@).

    In your case, you need to replace @ to %40.

    Change 123@456d to 123%40456d and it will be solved for you.


    Other, If you use other special characters you can refer to ASCII Encoding below:

    Character From Windows-1252 From UTF-8
    space %20 %20
    ! %21 %21
    " %22 %22
    # %23 %23
    $ %24 %24
    % %25 %25
    & %26 %26
    ' %27 %27
    ( %28 %28
    ) %29 %29
    * %2A %2A
    + %2B %2B
    , %2C %2C
    - %2D %2D
    . %2E %2E
    / %2F %2F
    0 %30 %30
    1 %31 %31
    2 %32 %32
    3 %33 %33
    4 %34 %34
    5 %35 %35
    6 %36 %36
    7 %37 %37
    8 %38 %38
    9 %39 %39
    : %3A %3A
    ; %3B %3B
    < %3C %3C
    = %3D %3D
    > %3E %3E
    ? %3F %3F
    @ %40 %40

     I hope it's useful for you.

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