What is best way to convert datetime to date in Sql Server?

Dung Do Tien Feb 01 2022 119

Hello Guys, I'm using MSSQL 2019 and I have a table name News and its content CreatedDate column(DateTime data type). Now I want to select and format that column with format MM/dd/yyyy. And I tried to cast it CAST(n.CreateDate as DATE) as below:

SELECT n.Id, n.Title, n.Sapo, n.Content, n.NewsType, 
CAST(n.CreateDate as DATE) as CreatedDate,
m.Id as UserId, m.FullName
FROM News n
INNER JOIN Member m ON m.Id = n.UsedId

But it's return default with format yyyy-MM-dd as the image below:

What is best way to convert datetime to date in Sql Server?

How can I convert datetime to date data type in Sql Server?

Thanks for any suggestions.

Have 2 answer(s) found.
  • A

    ANDREW Feb 01 2022

    You can use Convert() method to help convert DateTime to string with some format you want.

    For example:

    SELECT CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), getdate(), 101);
    --=> return: 02/01/2022 

    What is the mean of 101? This is a style of format,  there are many other styles you can choose from. Here are some common types:

    Style How it’s displayed
    101 mm/dd/yyyy
    102 yyyy.mm.dd
    103 dd/mm/yyyy
    104 dd.mm.yyyy
    105 dd-mm-yyyy
    110 mm-dd-yyyy
    111 yyyy/mm/dd
    106 dd mon yyyy
    107 Mon dd, yyyy

    And below is the solution for your query:

    SELECT n.Id, n.Title, n.Sapo, n.Content, n.NewsType, 
    CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), n.CreateDate, 101) as CreatedDate,
    m.Id as UserId, m.FullName
    FROM News n
    INNER JOIN Member m ON m.Id = n.UsedId

    I hope it helpful for you.

  • k

    khossain Feb 01 2022

    You can try to use two ways below:

    SELECT TRY_CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), getdate(), 101);
    -- OR
    SELECT CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), getdate(), 101);

    All of them return the same value is 02/02/2022.

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