logstash: command not found in Ubuntu installed ELK stack
Dung Do Tien
Mar 06 2022
I have installed LogStash success in my Ubuntu 20.04. and I go to folder path "/usr/share/logstash
" and create logstashiis.conf
file. You can see as below:
And I tried to run the command:
logstash -f logstashiis.conf
but I got an error: logstash: command not found.
How can I fix it?
Have 1 answer(s) found.
Wai Hein Ko Mar 06 2022
I see the picture you provided, I saw the
folder, you HAVE TO run that command inside this folder. You can try to run the command below:bin/logstash -f logstashiis.conf
It really worked for me.
Or you can type
cd bin
and then run your commandlogstash -f logstashiis.conf
I hope it helpful for you.
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