Migrate .net core 2.2 to 3.1
3 results found
Asp.Net Core 3.0 throw HTTP Error 500.30 - ANCM In-Process Start Failure
Asp.Net Core 3.0 throws HTTP Error 500.30 - ANCM In-Process Start Failure when running the application in the browser.
EndpointRoutingMiddleware matches endpoints setup by EndpointMiddleware when migrate asp .net core 2.2 to 3.1
EndpointRoutingMiddleware matches endpoints setup by EndpointMiddleware and so must be added to the request execution pipeline before EndpointMiddleware
JwtBearerDefaults is missing in Asp.Net Core 3.0 and 3.1
JwtBearerDefaults is missing in Asp.Net Core 3.0 and 3.1. It's worked in version 2.2 when migrating to version 3.1 it throws error.