TypeError: the argument of type object after * must be iterative, not int in Python

Dung Do Tien Sep 23 2021 169

I am creating a animal program that will draw a Christmas tree and some knickknacks. I want the baubles to have random colors and go to random points on the Christmas tree. This is my code:


However, when I run the program, this error appears:

TypeError: the argument of type object after * must be iterative, not int

How do I fix this? I'm using Python 3.8.2.

Thanks for any suggestions.

Have 2 answer(s) found.
  • S

    Simeon Ezechinyere Sep 23 2021

    I don't know about animal, but my best guess is that there is a problem with your brace:


    Change it to:

    animal.goto(random.randint(1,8), random.randint(1,8))

    I hope it works for you.

  • M

    Manish Kumar Sep 23 2021

    You can declare two variable and pass them into goto(x,  y) method as below:

    x = random.randint(1,16)
    y = random.randint(1,16)

    And call them:

    animal.goto(x, y)

    Hope it helpful for you.

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