Error divide by zero encountered in double_scalars in Python

Dung Do Tien Dec 03 2021 200

Hello guys, I'm newbie in Python and I created a short function help caculate float number for me, you can see as below:

import numpy as np

def float_number(x):
 x = np.float_(x)
 y = int(input("Input large number: "))
 return 10.7 / (5. - x)

print ('Float function with value 5 = ', odd_even(5.))

I use float_ fuction of numpy package to help convert number integer to float, but when run app it throw an exception RuntimeWarning: divide by zero encountered in double_scalars.

Input large number: 12 RuntimeWarning: divide by zero encountered in double_scalars
  return 10.7 / (5. - x)
Float function with value 5 =  inf

I understand that 10.7 / 0 with throw exception, but I really don't know any solution to solve it.

I'm using Python 3.9 and window 10.

Thankyou for any solution for me.

Have 2 answer(s) found.
  • A

    Alexis Nidegger Dec 03 2021

    You can check parameter before calculate and return data. You can check if x value equal 5 will return 0;

    See example below:

    import numpy as np
    def float_number(x):
     if x == 5:
      return 0;
     x = np.float_(x)
     y = int(input("Input large number: "))
     return 10.7 / (5. - x)
    print ('Float function with value 5 = ', float_number(6.))


    Float function with value 5 =  0

    I hope it is a best solution for you.

  • D

    Deepak M Dec 03 2021

    You need check value input before divide, as below:

    def float_number(x):
     if (5. - x) == 0:
      return 0;
     x = np.float_(x)
     y = int(input("Input large number: "))
     return 10.7 / (5. - x)

    And it fixed for you, exception will not throw again.

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