ImportError: No module named 'mysql' in Python Django
Dung Do Tien Nov 16 2021 182
Hello Guys, I'm just studying Python Django one week before. I used the MySQL database for my project.
I have created some line code to help connect to the database, it's like that
import mysql.connector as sql
con = sql.connect(host="", user="sa", passwd="my_pass", database="Students")
if con.is_connected() == false
print("Cant not connect to My SQL")
-- TODO get data here.
But when running this code I got an exception ImportError: No module named 'mysql'.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<pyshell#8>", line 1, in <module>
import mysql.connector
ImportError: No module named 'mysql'
Do you have any suggestions for me? I'm using MySQL 8.0
Thanks so much.
Have 2 answer(s) found.
- D1
Devx Mon Nov 16 2021
You need to install
package first. You can install as below:Python 3:
pip3 install mysql-connector
Python 2:
pip install mysql-connector
And it's worked for you.
- P0
Palakorn Sangketchon Nov 16 2021
I got the same problem and I solved it by running two commands below:
pip3 install mysql-connector pip3 install mysql-connector-python-rf
I hope it's helpful for you.
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