TypeError: can only concatenate str (not "int") to str in Python

Dung Do Tien Aug 08 2021 272

Hello, I just start learning Python 3.8 and I have some values I need to concat them as below:

fullName = "Joih Speaker"
age = 4
print("My name:" + fullName + " and age: " + age)

And I got an error TypeError: can only concatenate str (not "int") to str

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "main.py", line 3, in <module>
    print("My name:" + fullName + " and age: " + age)
TypeError: can only concatenate str (not "int") to str

Pls help me why and how can I solve it?

Have 2 answer(s) found.
  • T

    Trọng Hiếu Aug 08 2021

    You need to change the number to string data type:

    fullName = "Python 3.8"
    age = "4"
    print("My name:" + fullName + " and age: " + age)

    Or you can use str() method help convert numbers to strings.

    fullName = "Python 3.8"
    age = str(4)
    print("My name:" + fullName + " and age: " + age)
  • R

    Ruslan Kurbanali Aug 08 2021

    We have many ways to convert integer to string in Python.

    1. Using str() function 

    num = 10
    # check  and print type of num variable
    # convert the num into string
    converted_num = str(num)
    # check  and print type converted_num variable

    2. Using "%s" keyword

    num = 10
    # check  and print type of num variable
    # convert the num into string and print
    converted_num = "%s" % num

    3. Using .format() function

    num = 10
    # check  and print type of num variable
    # convert the num into string and print
    converted_num = "{}".format(num)

    4. Using f-string

    num = 10
    # check  and print type of num variable
    # convert the num into string
    converted_num = f'{num}'
    # print type of converted_num
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