How to save GitLab username and password for next pull code?

Dung Do Tien Nov 12 2021 135

Hello, I have a small Asp.Net Core project and I put my source code into GitLab.

I use the Cmder app to help me work with GitLab.  For the first time, I was authentication but then I still have to re-authen whenever I need to pull code by using git pull command. It's really annoying. Like this

How to save GitLab username and password for next pull code?

My computer use window 10. Have any way can help me save the username and password of Gitlab for next time to pull code?

Thank you for any suggestions.

Have 2 answer(s) found.
  • J

    John Nov 12 2021

    I usually use the command below:

    git config --global credential.helper store

    You can check after one minute and it worked for you.

  • T

    Trọng Hiếu Nov 12 2021

    You can try some command below:

    $ git config credential.helper store
    $ git pull
    Username for '': <USERNAME>
    Password for '': <PASSWORD>

    After authentication, from next time get code, git will not require a username and pass.

    I hope it helpful for you.

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