GitLab Remote: HTTP Basic: Access denied. fatal: Authentication failed
I have a project with Core 3.1 and I managed source code by using GitLab.
Today I changed the password of GitLab and I try to pull code with git pull
command and I got an error remote: HTTP Basic: Access denied. fatal: Authentication failed for ''.
E:\Project\abc\2019\BookManager\v2\BookManager3\bookmanager_v2\QDM.CMS (master -> origin)
λ git pull
remote: HTTP Basic: Access denied
fatal: Authentication failed for ''
I tried to remove the origin and re-add it, like this:
git remote -v
git remote remove origin
git remote add origin
But it does not work for me.
Do you have any suggestions for me?
dang nhat hai long Nov 09 2021
Because you change the password so you need to re-login into Gitlab. You can do as below:
1. Open Cmd, run with mode Run As Administrator. (it's required)
2. Run command
git config --system --unset credential.helper
It will require you to enter your Username & Password.
After login success, you can run
git pull
well for you.I hope it is solved for you.
Nguyễn Danh Bảo An Nov 09 2021
Hi, I got the same issue whenever I change my login password.
Below is the command I need to run to fix this issue:-
git config --global credential.helper wincred
After running this command, it will ask you again to update your
.And solved the issue for you.
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