ASP.NET Core: Create and invoke View Component with example
In Core you will not have concept partial view, replace that Microsoft introduced a new feature is View Component. It can do everything a partial view can do and it’s much more powerful. In this article I will guide you in detail about it.
- 1. What is the View Component in Asp.Net Core?
- 2. When do we need to use the View Component?
- 3. How to create and import View Components?
- 3.1. View Component class naming conventions
- 3.2. View Component Invoke methods
- 3.3 Razor view for ViewComponent
- 3.4. Make an example
- 4. Call Core View Components with javascript ajax.
- 5. Summary
Note some information for you know that the view component in core will be used a lot in web programming, such as blog it was made by many view components. So it is very necessary to program websites for better. Okay, let’s go now.
1. What is the View Component in Asp.Net Core?
The view component is a new feature in Core, it looks like the partial view in framework MVC but it is stronger and more powerful. View component separate view and business code to different other files to management. ViewComponents are completely self-contained objects that consistently render Html from a razor view. View components don't use model binding and only depend on the data provided when calling into it.
A View Component has some features below:
- Separate Html and logic code.
- Support invoke async help load page faster.
- Separate code helps make unit tests easy.
- Renders a chunk rather than a whole response.
- Fully supports constructor dependency injection.
2. When do we need to use the View Component?
As we can understand, a page can be made by many view components, we can separate the view component by content type, layout page such as navigation, content detail, box highlight, aside right box, footer….
From my experience, I usually create the view component on the front end page for the purpose display information. I'm not using the view component for some page collect information such as login, register, contact pages ...
3. How to create and import View Components?
Note that, setup environment is for Core 2.0 to above.
3.1. View Component class naming conventions
A class view component has some feature that can be seen below:
- The name of the class always ends with the suffix "ViewComponent
- It is inherited from the "ViewComponent
" class.
- It can implement another class that inherits from "ViewComponent
Like controllers, view components must be public, non-nested, and non-abstract classes. The view component name is the class name with the "ViewComponent
" suffix removed.
Look an example:
public class HeaderViewComponent : ViewComponent
public HeaderViewComponent()
3.2. View Component Invoke methods
The view component supports two methods to call a view component is Invoke
and InvokeAsync
method will call synchronous and return an IViewComponentResult
and InvokeAsync
method call asynchronous and returns a Task<IViewComponentResult>
+ Invoke Asynchronously: Example of a View Component that uses the InvokeAsync
public class HeaderViewComponent : ViewComponent
public async Task<IViewComponentResult> InvokeAsync()
return View();
Or InvokeAsync()
method with parameters
public class HeaderViewComponent : ViewComponent
public async Task<IViewComponentResult> InvokeAsync(int param1, string param2,.....)
// Todo sothing here
return View();
+ Invoke Synchronously: Example of a View Component that uses the Invoke
public class HeaderViewComponent : ViewComponent
public IViewComponentResult Invoke()
return View();
Or Invoke()
method with parameters.
public class HeaderViewComponent : ViewComponent
public IViewComponentResult Invoke(int param1, string param2,.....)
// Todo sothing here
return View();
About position to contain a class ViewComponent, you can create Components
folder the same level with Controllers
folder. You can see an example inside of the image below to get more understanding:
3.3 Razor view for ViewComponent
Position to store razor view we have three ways as below:
- /Views/{Controller Name}/Components/{View Component Name}/{View Name}
- /Views/Shared/Components/{View Component Name}/{View Name}
- /Pages/Shared/Components/{View Component Name}/{View Name}
The default view name for a view component is Default
, which means your view file will typically be named Default.cshtml
. You can specify a different view name when creating the view component result or when calling the View method.
There is a common view component, such as menu, footer, ads… It does not have a controller, we will create it inside Views/Shared/Components/{component name}. You can see the image as below:
And if you have a controller and you want to create some view component for it, you can make razor view as below:
Views/{Controller Name}/Components/{View Component Name}
Returning a specific view: You can define any razor view name instead of using the default name.
public async Task<IViewComponentResult> InvokeAsync()
// Code logic here
return View("Header");
And razor view name has to same as the return view in InvokeAsync()
Import a View Component: Syntax to import a View component to a page or other view component as below:
@await Component.InvokeAsync("View component name")
@await Component.InvokeAsync("View component name", new { parameter = value,... })
Look an example below:
@await Component.InvokeAsync("LatestNew", new { take = 10, orderBy = Const.Desc })
3.4. Make an example
Okay, now we will create a view component to display a list of popular news on the home page with 12 items. Code step by step as below:
Step 1: Create a class view component.
We will create a component with the name *PopularNews
* look like the image below:

And below is code business to return data for razor view of View component class :
public class PopularNewsViewComponent : ViewComponent
public IViewComponentResult Invoke()
List<NewModel> newModels = new List<NewModel>();
for (int i = 1; i <= 12; i++)
newModels.Add(new NewModel()
Title = string.Format("This is title of article {0}", i),
Image = string.Format("../images/{0}.jpg", i)
return View(newModels);
In that: NewModel
is an object that contains some information about News such as title, sapo, image…
Step 2: Create a razor view
I will create a razor view component inside Home
view controller, you can create inside of Shared/Components
, it’s also okay.
And below is code to display data of razor view:
@model List<NewModel>
@if(Model != null && Model.Any())
<h1>Popular News</h1>
<ul class="popular-news">
@foreach(var news in Model)
<figure class="img">
<img src="@news.Image" alt="@news.Title" />
<div class="title">
<h2 title="@news.Title">@news.Title</h2>
Step 3: Invoke view component to page view
Now I want to import PorpularNews
view component to Home
page, I can code as below:
ViewData["Title"] = "Home Page";
<div class="text-center">
<h1 class="display-4">Welcome Home Page</h1>
@await Component.InvokeAsync("PopularNews")
Everything is done, now we can run the application and see the result:

4. Call Core View Components with javascript ajax.
We can not call ajax directly to a view component. We have to call it through the action of a controller. In core has support ViewComponentResult
to help an action can return a view component. Let see an example below:
public IActionResult GetTopMessage()
return ViewComponent("CallAjax");
In that: CallAjax is the name of the view component.
If the component has accepted more parameters you can do as below:
public IActionResult GetTopMessage(int param1 ….)
return ViewComponent("CallAjax", new {param1 = value, ... });
Okay, now ajax can call to action GetTopMessage
to get value:
$("#btnCallAjax").click(function () {
url: "../Home/GetTopMessage",
type: "get",
dataType: "html",
beforeSend: function (x) {
data: null,
success: function (result) {
$(".view-component-ajax .content").html(result);
And you can see the result below:

5. Summary
In this article, I just guide you on how to create and invoke view component in Core and I hope you can apply it to your website to make it better.
If you have any questions please leave a comment below for me.
You can refer to the source code here.
Happy code.
List questions & answers
1. What is the view component in asp net core?ViewComponent is a new concept introduced in Asp.Net Core. It same with partial view, display a block, box, section in an HTML page. View components are powerful UI building blocks for areas on-page that are not controlled by controller actions because they have logic code in a separate file. View Components can be implemented in any part of the web application where there are some possibilities of code duplicate like Navigation Pane, Login Panel, Menu, Shopping Cart etc. So in simple word, View Components is actually behaving like a web part which contains both business logic and UI design to create a web part package which can be reused in the multiple parts of the web application.
2. What is the primary purpose of a view component in Asp.Net Core?
3. What is the difference of a partial view and a view component in Asp.Net Core?
4. Where can I put View components in Asp.Net Core?
5. How can I call a view component in Asp.Net Core?