Module not found: Can't resolve 'axios' in ReactJs

Dung Do Tien Jun 19 2021 346

I'm a newbie in ReactJs. and I use axios plugin to help call and get data from an API.
I try to import that plugin in my LoginService.ts as below:

import axios, { AxiosResponse, AxiosInstance } from 'axios';

But when run app I got an error Module not found: Can't resolve 'axios' in 'C:\dev\first-project\node_modules\axios'

ERROR in ./~/axios/index.js
Module not found: Error: Can't resolve './lib/axios' in 'C:\dev\first-project\node_modules\axios'
resolve './lib/axios' in 'C:\dev\first-project\node_modules\axios'
  using description file: C:\dev\first-project\node_modules\axios\package.json (relative path: .)
  after using description file: C:\dev\first-project\node_modules\axios\package.json (relative path: .)
    using description file: C:\dev\first-project\node_modules\axios\package.json (relative path: ./lib/axios)
      as directory
        C:\dev\first-project\node_modules\axios\lib\axios doesn't exist
      no extension
        C:\dev\first-project\node_modules\axios\lib\axios doesn't exist
        C:\dev\first-project\node_modules\axios\lib\axios.ts doesn't exist
 @ ./~/axios/index.js 1:17-39
 @ ./src/services/GroupService.ts
 @ ./src/first-project.ts

It's still working fine for me, but after I get code from GitLab and this error occurs.

How can I resolve it?

Have 4 answer(s) found.
  • T

    Thắng Ngô Minh Jun 19 2021

    If before that it still working fine. I think you need to update your npm to try update all package.

    npm install
    -- OR
    npm update

    I hope it work for you.

  • G

    Gornpol Suksumrate Jun 19 2021

    Looks like axios isn't installed. Try npm install --save axios. Then double check your import statement. It should be import axios from 'axios'

    This solved the problem.

  • M

    Mukesh kumar Jun 19 2021

    You probably need to re-install that dependency to your project in order to make it work.

    Run npm install axios or yarn add axios depending if you are using npm/yarn

  • D

    Developer Jun 19 2021

    Webpack can not find an entry point for axios, because try to search typescript file, but there is no such file. You should add .js to the resolve extensions. Open  webpack.config.js file and change as below:

    resolve: {
        extensions: ['.ts', '.js']

    I hope it works for you!

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