Error module not found: Can't resolve 'jquery' in react

Dung Do Tien Jun 06 2021 313

Hi, I have been creating a project with React. It still builds and working fine for me. But today I got an error:

Module not found: Can't resolve 'jquery'

I installed Jquery before and import it to App.js file 

import $ from 'jquery';

Do you have any ideas to help me resolve this issue?

Have 2 answer(s) found.
  • D

    Devx Mon Jun 06 2021

    I think you need to re-install npm

    nmp install

     And it works for me.

  • N

    Nguyễn Phong Jun 06 2021

    Hi, the message recommendation is that run de command npm install --save jquery, I run this command and the error was fixed. I hope it helpful for you!!

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