Explain different between return, break and continue keyword in Javascript

Dung Do Tien Feb 12 2020 481

I am studying Javascript and I can not distinguish between return, break and continue keyword in Javascript. Please explain to help me when to use it?

Thanks Guys.

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  • S

    Sandeep Kumar Apr 10 2020

    This a great question but I think it's simple to understand.

    1. break 

    - Use to exit Switch command when finishing a condition

    var i = 10;
    switch(i) {
      case 10:
          // code block
        break; case 9:
        // code block
        break; default:
        // code block

    -  Use to exit a loop (for/while..)

    for(var i = 0; i<=100; i++){
       if(i % 8 == 0){
           break; // stop loop and read commands below loop 
    // Some code here


    2. continue 

    Only use in the loop when you want to skip a step loop and continue loop next step.

     string text = "";
    for(var i = 0; i<=100; i++){
       if(i % 5 == 0){
           continue; // stop curent step loop and start next step of loop
       text = text  +  i + " ";


    3. return

    Only used for the function to return value of that function. It also exists loops and Switch command

    function(a, b){
       if(a > b){
         return a + b;
       return a *b;

    I hope this info helpful to you.

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