[Resolved] ERROR in The Angular Compiler requires TypeScript >=3.6.4 and <3.9.0 but 3.9.7 was found instead.

Dung Do Tien Sep 17 2020 1178

I have created a web application with Angular 9.0 but after starting the application with the command below I got an error:

ng serve -o

And this is the error:

ERROR in The Angular Compiler requires TypeScript >=3.6.4 and <3.9.0 but 3.9.7 was found instead.

I don't know why and I need any explaining.

Have 3 answer(s) found.
  • M

    Marry Christ Sep 17 2020

    You can understand that :

    Angular@9.1 is supported until typescript@3.8.3
    And, angular@10 will be supported typescript@3.9

    So you can run the command below to resolve your issues.

    npm i typescript@3.8 


  • M

    Marry Christ Sep 17 2020

    You can update the TypeScript module to version 3.7.5 with using the command below:

    npm install typescript@3.7.5 

    I hope it helpful for you.

  • S

    Sandeep Kumar Sep 17 2020

    You can refer the answers for this question on stackoverflow :)

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