CKEditor : How to change Https to default option of Link plugin
Dung Do Tien
Apr 05 2021
I have a project with Angular 7 and I install CKEditor 4 to support edit the content of a post. Now in the 'Link' plugin I want to change the default Protocol option from 'Http' to 'Https'.
I use the code below but it did not work for me.
CKEDITOR.config.linkDefaultProtocol = 'https://';
Or, {
linkDefaultProtocol: 'https://'
I did really research many cases but I can't resolve this issue.
Thanks for any suggestions about it.
Have 1 answer(s) found.
Nguyen Truong Giang Apr 05 2021
Oh, I have the same request change for Ckeditor like you. I change this option by code below:
CKEDITOR.on('dialogDefinition', (ev) => { if ( == 'link') {'target').get('linkTargetType')['default']='_blank';'info').get('protocol')['default']='https://'; } });
And it worked for me!!
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