ReactJs in Random level
Total 20 question (100 marks)
1. React can only render elements in the root document element.
2. What is the correct syntax to import a Component from React?
3. An altered component may be uniquely identified with the help of ref.
4. If you see the following import in a file, what is being used for state management in the
5. How do you fix the syntax error that results from running this code? const person =(firstName, lastName) => { first:
6. Which prop type in a React form component, will validate a value for an attribute is passed and
7. What is a common use case for ref?
8. What command is used to start the React local development server?
9. Arbitrary inputs of components are called __________.
10. What happens when you call setState() inside render() method?
11. What does React have no opinion on?
12. Lifecycle methods are mainly used ___________.
13. What does the "webpack" command do?
14. Which code will facilitate navigation using the React Router for a React component?
15. If a function component should always render the same way given the same props, what is a simple
16. Components cannot refer to other components in their output.
17. Which function in React, will show child components of a provided component?
18. Select the programming language NOT used within the ESLintrc file.
19. Which of the following will block a button in a React form and cancel the event, from form
20. React supports all the syntax of _________________.