ReactJs in Easy level
Total 20 question (100 marks)
1. Arbitrary inputs of components are called __________.
2. What is keyword helps call a component in another component?
3. To develop and run React code, Node.js is required.
4. ReactJS uses _____ to increase performance.
5. React merges the object you provide into the current state using __________
6. What is ReactJS?
7. ref is used to refer a element / component returned by _______________.
8. If you want to import just the Component from the React library, what syntax do you use?
9. Select the main rival of Gulp
10. Which of the following needs to be updated to achieve dynamic UI updates?
11. Select the programming language NOT used within the ESLintrc file.
12. What is the children prop?
13. What is a common use case for ref?
14. If our elements are dynamic, react can keep track of the changes using keys.
15. Which function in React, will show child components of a provided component?
16. React keeps track of what items have changed, been added, or been removed from a list using ________.
17. What are the limitations of ReactJS?
18. In React state can be accessed using ________.
19. How do you fix the syntax error that results from running this code? const person =(firstName, lastName) => { first:
20. When rendering a list using the JavaScript map() method, what is required for each element rendered?