ReactJs in Easy level
Total 20 question (100 marks)
1. We can go for keys when there is a possibility that our user could change the data.
2. What will happen if you render an input element with disabled = {false}?
3. Select the command to install gulp-connect locally.
4. Invoked once, only on the client, after rendering occurs.
5. Arbitrary inputs of components are called __________.
6. In React state can be accessed using ________.
7. Which of the following is NOT a rule for React Hooks?
8. Which method in a React Component should you override to stop the component from updating?
9. Which operator can be used to conditionally render a React component?
10. React is mainly for building _____________.
11. ref is used to refer a element / component returned by _______________.
12. Although React Hooks generally replace class components, there are no plans to remove classes from React.
13. If our elements are dynamic, react can keep track of the changes using keys.
14. How do you access a function fetch() from a h1 element in JSX?
15. Which of the following, is the correct option in React, for retrieval of data from a dynamic component?
16. React merges the object you provide into the current state using __________
17. Which of the following will block a button in a React form and cancel the event, from form
18. What is the children prop?
19. What is ReactJS?
20. props in react can________.