Javascript in Normal level
Total 20 question (100 marks)
1. What is the value of x after finish below command? var x = 4 ; for (i = 0; i
2. What is isNaN() function in Javascript?
3. What is the result of the below code? var i = 2; var count = 0; for (; i < 6;
4. Select the right options about function in Javascript
5. What is the result of the below code block? alert(age); var age = 10;
6. How to assign value to the myName variable but still keep old value? Select the right answer.
7. What is the result of the block js code below? function getSum() { var a = 7;
8. How to Look for the biggest number between two numbers?
9. Select the correct option when While loop bellow is finished? var i = 2 ; while (i <= 10) {
10. How many kinds of loops in Javascript?
11. What is the "count" value? var count = 0; for(var i = 0; i < 10; i++){ ++count; if(i ==
12. What is the result of the below block code? var a = 1; alert(++a);
13. What is the result of a variable when execute command bellow? var a = "I'm " + true; alert(a);
14. What is the result of the block code below? function first() { window.age = 15; } function second() {
15. What is the output of this program? var a23 = 1; function b24(){ a23 = 10; return; function a23() {
16. What is the result of the below function: function test() { if(true) { var a
17. What is function help execute command javascript in plain text?
18. What is the result of "variable"? var variable; if (""){ variable = true; } else { variable = 55; }
19. What is the difference between == and === compare operators in Javascript?
20. What is the output of this program? var fn22 = 1; function gn22() { if(!fn22) { var fn22