Javascript in Easy level
Total 20 question (100 marks)
1. What is the purpose of Javascript?
2. What is the operator allow assign value to a variable?
3. Which is the attribute of <script> tag contains a path of external javascript file name xxx.js?
4. What is the result of the block code below? var human = (function () { var publicAPIs = {};
5. What is the "variable" value? var variable; if ( true && 12 < 10 ){ variable = 12; } else { variable = 'chicken'; }
6. What is the result of the below block code? age = 18; alert(age);
7. What is the result of the block code below? var numbers = [2, 4, 6, 8]; var counter = 0; var
8. Javascript and Java are same and nothing different between them.
9. What is the return value of bellow code? function square (x) { return(x * x) }; function cube (x) { return(x
10. Javascript is back-end side programming language?
11. Does javascript help change some value of the table in any Database?
12. How to rounding 7.25 number to get an integer?
13. Is JavaScript case-sensitive?
14. Select the correct output of some code below: var age = 10; if(age > 5){ alert("1"); }else if(age < 20){ alert("2"); }
15. The external JavaScript file must contain the <script> tag.
16. What is the correct syntax to comments one line code in JavaScript?
17. Where does the HTML page allow you to write javascript?
18. How can we write anything into web page in Javascript?
19. How to insert a multi-line comment in JavaScript?
20. Select the correct IF condition below of Javascript.