Css in Random level
Total 20 question (100 marks)
1. For users that use the tab key to navigate websites, what property shows moving from one element to
2. Which HTML attribute is used to define inline styles?
3. What is mean of syntax div + p { } in css?
4. What is the correct CSS syntax for making all the <p> elements bold?
5. Which HTML tag is used to define an internal style sheet?
6. What is command below has the highest priority?
7. What is mean of syntax div p{ } in css?
8. How do you select all p elements inside a div element?
9. How to resize a background image using CSS3?
10. Which of the following syntax is correct when writing CSS ?
11. Does the box-shadow support all browsers?
12. Which is the correct CSS syntax?
13. How to add more padding to a block but not increase width of it.
14. What is the worst way to style an element using CSS?
15. What property would you use to create space between the element’s border and inner content?
16. The different ways to associate styles with an HTML document are:
17. Can you have multiple box-shadows?
18. How do you insert a comment in a CSS file?
19. What is the default value of the position property?
20. What is the correct Syntax for importing a stylesheet in CSS?