Javascript Datatype & Operator
Total 20 question (100 marks)
1. How to check the age variable is a number or not? var age ="12abc";
2. What is different between let and var in Javascript?
3. What is the result of the below block code? age = 18; alert(age);
4. What is the result of the below block code? var a = 1; alert(a++);
5. How to rounding 7.25 number to get an integer?
6. How to comment one line in javascript?
7. How to declare a variable in javascript?
8. What is the difference between == and === compare operators in Javascript?
9. What is the result of the below block code? var a = 1; alert(++a);
10. What is the mean of += operator in the below code? var fullname = "Jonh"; fullname += " Hug"; alert(fullname);
11. How to comment on multiple line codes in Javascript?
12. What is the result of the below code block? alert(age); var age = 10;
13. What is the data type of age variable below? var age =+ "50" alert(typeof(age));
14. What is the result of the below code block? alert(age); let age = 10;
15. How to assign value to the myName variable but still keep old value? Select the right answer.
16. What is the operator allow assign value to a variable?
17. What is the output of the block code below? var a =+ '10'; var b = 2 alert(a + b);
18. How to Look for the biggest number between two numbers?
19. What is the result of a variable when execute command bellow? var a = "I'm " + true; alert(a);
20. What is the alert value of the below code? var a = parseInt("3abc1"); var b = 3; alert(a * b)