ERROR: Async test method must have non-void return type in Asp.Net Core

Dung Do Tien Feb 17 2021 308


I'm trying to work with async in Asp.Net Core 3.1.  And I write a method for a unit test as below:

public async void GetKeywordOnPageForSaleByBrand(string brandAlias)
    var listKeywordCount = await _serviceProvider.GetService<IKeywordService>().GetKeywordOnPageForSaleByBrand(brandAlias);

But this test case is failed and throw a message error Async test method must have non-void return type.

Please tell me why if you know any reason!

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    PTJ312 Feb 17 2021

    Asynchronous not allow void data type for a method. Please change void keyword to Task in your method

    public async void GetKeywordOnPageForSaleByBrand(string brandAlias)
    public async Task GetKeywordOnPageForSaleByBrand(string brandAlias)
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